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Soul Ink Set | Готов сет с 24х30ml

Soul Ink Set | Готов сет с 24х30ml

Обичайна цена 654.00 BGN
Обичайна цена Цена при разпродажба 654.00 BGN
Разпродажба Изчерпано
С включени данъци. Доставката се изчислява при плащане.


Първокласни продукти, които вече са добре познати на Българският пазар и не се нуждаят от реклама! Ако не сте имали възможност да работите с тях, не се двоумете, няма да ви подведът!

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Всички поръчки, направени на сайта на Pro Line се обработват в рамките на 1 до 3 работни дни след потвърждение на поръчката от клиента.

В момента щом поръчката ви бъде обработена от наш сътрудник ще получите имейл с информация за проследяването й.

Доставки до офиси и адреси в България се изпълняват от куриерски фирми ЕКОНТ и Speedy.

Потопете се в свят на безгранична креативност с нашия комплект от 24 бои, съкровищница от живи нюанси, предназначени да разпалят вашето въображение.

Идеален както за новодошли, търсещи ново начало, така и за опитни професионалисти, нуждаещи се от бързо попълване на запасите.

Тази колекция предлага най-често използваните цветове в икономичен пакет.

Всеки нюанс е прецизно изработен, за да осигури богати, смели пигменти, които пленяват окото и вдъхват живот на вашите дизайни.

От вечната елегантност на „True Black“ до чистотата на „Fuji White“ и ефирната привлекателност на „Rolling Stone“, всеки цвят в този комплект разказва своята собствена уникална история, чакаща да бъде вплетена във вашия артистичен проект.

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand true black ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The black 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand fuji mt mixing white ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The fuji mt mixing white 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.
Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand rolling stone ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The rolling stone 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

Независимо дали предавате мистиката на „Purple Heart“ или страстта на „Red Hot Chili Pepper“, тук има нюанс, който да отговаря на всяко настроение и мотив.

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand red hot chilli pepper ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The red hot chilli pepper 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand purple heart ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The purple heart 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

Но красотата на този комплект не свършва дотук – повечето цветови опции са достъпни и за индивидуална покупка, което ви позволява да смесвате и комбинирате според желанието си.

С "Bahama Blue", предизвикващо визии за тропически брегове и „Ireland Green“, шепнещи буйни изумрудени пейзажи, възможностите са толкова безкрайни, колкото и вашето въображение.

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand bahama blue ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The bahama blue 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand Ireland green ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The Ireland green 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

Защо да чакате? Дайте воля на своята креативност и се впуснете в цветно пътешествие с нашия цялостен комплект.

Нека вашите произведения на изкуството говорят много с всеки щрих, докато рисувате мечтите си в реалност и оставяте траен отпечатък върху света.

Потопете се в свят на живи нюанси с нашия готов за употреба комплект, включващ широка гама от нюанси, включително

„True Black“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand true black ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The black 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Fuji White“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand fuji mt mixing white ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The fuji mt mixing white 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Rolling Stone“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand rolling stone ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The rolling stone 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Purple Haze“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand purple heart ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The purple heart 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Purple Heart“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand purple heart ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The purple heart 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Nile River Blue“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand Nile river blue ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The Nile river blue 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Blue Oyster Cult“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand blue oyster cult ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The blue oyster cult 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Rainbow Blue“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand rainbow blue ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The rainbow blue 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Yellow Stone“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand yellow stone ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The yellow 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Canary Yellow“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand canary yellow ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The canary yellow 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Everest Orange“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand Everest orange ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The Everest orange 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Alaskan Salmon“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand alaskan salmon ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The alaskan salmon 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Red Hot Chili Pepper“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand red hot chilli pepper ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The red hot chilli pepper 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Sailor Jerry Red“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand sailor jerry red ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The sailor jerry red 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.


Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand Caramel ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The caramel 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Botticelli Brown“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand Botticelli brown ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The Botticelli brown 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Bahama Blue“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand bahama blue ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The bahama blue 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„GTMO Green“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand GTMO green ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The GTMO green 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Sicilian Olive“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand Sicilian olive ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The Sicilian olive 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Ireland Green“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand Ireland green ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The Ireland green 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Green Day“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand green day ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The green day 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Mint Green“,

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand mint green ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The mint green 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Strawberry“ и

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand strawberry ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The strawberry 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.

„Paris Pink“. 

Photograph of a bottle of 'Soul Ink' brand Paris pink ink. The label prominently displays the brand name 'Soul Ink' in stylish blue typography against a white background. The Paris pink 30 ml bottle with a white label featuring the brands name 'Soul Ink'.
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